Celebrating our 56th year anniversary at
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center!
All ages and skill levels are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Come learn from over 100 years of combined martial arts experience
Head Instructor: Asher Smith 4th Dan
Assistant Instructors: Marcus Kaiser 1st Dan
Phillip Adkins 1st Dan
Where: Building 8 (2nd Floor) Auditorium
When: Regular classes on Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
Advanced classes on Monday, 6:00pm to 7:30pm (by invitation)
What: Self-defense oriented Tae Kwon Do with an emphasis on practical fighting principles. All skill levels are welcome to come and participate and learn practical skills for everyday life, along with tailored physical conditioning.
Cost: Free to join and start participating.
Dues are required after the first two months of participation. $20 per month or $100 for 6-months. All proceeds go dirctly to the club to purchase new equipment.
Uniforms and equipment are available for purchase.
Tae Kwon Do, as we know it today originated in Korea, and has elements of many martial arts but most notably, Japanese Karate. Characterized by powerful high kicks and a linear style, TKD was first taught to the Korean Military and later adopted as an Olympic Sport. Our school promotes a more practical self-defense-oriented approach to learning Tae Kwon Do.
You will be taught how to defend yourself, in order to become confident in a multitude of real-world situations.
Tae Kwon Do provides excellent fitness and flexibility training, which you will find very useful even in non-combative situations.
Contact Info
Asher Smith - asher.m.smith@nasa.gov
Last updated 5/21/2024
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