Our purpose:
The GSFC Art of Living Club is established to promote, develop, and encourage self-development and a healthy lifestyle among the members of the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.To fulfill this purpose, the Club has established the following objectives:
- Provide self-development programs, processes and tools for the members
- Provide education and training opportunities for a healthy lifestyle to the members
- Provide these services to the members on the GSFC campus as much as possible
About Meditation:
Sahaj Samadhi, meaning effortless transcendence, is a meditation technique developed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Sahaj Samadhi is a natural and graceful system of effortless meditation providing the mind with a much needed, deep rest. Sahaj Samadhi helps the racing mind to settle down. When the mind settles down, it lets go of tension and stress, centering itself in the present moment. It is only in the present moment we find true happiness -- those moments when we are free from regrets about the past or anxiety about the future. (this exerpt was taken from Sri Sri's web biography)
"When the mind is free of fear, guilt and anger, and is more centered, then it can heal the system of any ailment. The consciousness that creates the body also has the power to heal. Pure consciousness is pure love and love is the highest power on earth." - H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Discover the healing power of meditation by attending our weekly meditation sessions:
- [an error occurred while processing this directive]Mondays, 12 - 1 PM, Building 23, Room S300 - the big Code 550 conference room
Come and feel more peaceful and less stressed, and be more focused and energetic. Our mental and emotional state affects those around us so we truly can create peace, one mind at a time. There are some things that effort cannot accomplish. Meditation is the delicate art of doing nothing - letting go of everything and being who you are. It gives your mind such a wonderful rest. Come get a charge, and help make Goddard a better place to work.
- Yearly Membership costs a mere $2/year!! This includes discounts on meditation and breathing courses, and access to the Club's library.
For more information please contact: Bill Hayden
Top of Page
The Power of the Breath There is a power in the breath that can be use to energize and heal. For most, its a mystery, but with the proper training, the breath's full potential for bringing transformation and healing can be realized by everyone. The Club offers the weekend Art of Living Foundation course on learning how to use the breath to eliminate stress and tension, heal the mind and body, and to energize. It has been adopted by the World Bank, the DC Police Dept, and many other institutions around the world to make their employees and colleagues healthy, sharp and productive. This course includes Sudarshan Kriya, a scientifically validated breathing process, that really helps, and anyone can learn. Club members get a discount on this course that is regularly offered in the Goddard area.
For more information please contact: Bill Hayden
Top of Page Officers:
Office Name Phone Code President Bill Hayden 301-286-4267 William.L.Hayden@nasa.gov 592 Vice President Pat St Aubin 301-286-5679 Patricia.E.StAubin@nasa.gov 300 Treasurer Ashok Desai 301-286-1286 Ashok.B.Desai@nasa.gov 544
NASA Privacy & Security Notices
Curator:Matthew Beckley
Responsible Official:Bill Hayden
Last Revised: September 9th 2008 - MAB