Basic Sailing Examination

QUESTION 1: Identify the following parts of a sailboat
on the diagram:
- ______Centerboard
- ______Forestay
- ______Port
- ______Shroud
- ______Tabernacle
- ______Toping Lift
- ______Boom Vang
- ______Painter
- ______Winch
- ______Starboard
- ______Boom
- ______Mast
- ______Tiller

QUESTION 2: Identify the following sails and parts of
a sail below:
- ______Luff
- ______Leach
- ______Clew
- ______Bow
- ______Batten
- ______Head
- ______Tack
- ______Foot
- ______Mainsail
- ______Stern
- ______Telltale
- ______Jib
QUESTION 3: Match the following items found on a
sailboat with one of the functions listed below.
- Used to raise (hoist) the sails
- Fitting used to tie off a line
- Furthest forward on-deck fitting through which
the jib sheet passes
- Controls the trim of the mainsail
- Controls the angle of the rudder
- A device that provides mechanical advantage
- Controls the trim of the jib
- The fin at the stern of the boat used for
- _____Mainsheet
- _____Jibsheet(s)
- _____Halyard(s)
- _____Fairlead
- _____Rudder
- _____Winch
- _____Cleat
- _____Tiller/wheel
QUESTION 4: Match the following items found on a
sailboat with one the functions listed below.
- Lines for adjusting sail positions
- Used to adjust the tension in the luff
of a mainsail
- Used to adjust the tension in the foot
of a mainsail
- Lifts the boom to a desired height
- Pulls boom down and keeps it from
- Line tied to the bowplate for tieing up
- Indicates the direction of the wind/sail
- Supports the mast from the bow and stern
- Supports the mast from the sides
- _____Stays
- _____Shrouds
- _____Telltales
- _____Painter
- _____Sheets
- _____Boomvang
- _____Boom topping lift
- _____Outhaul
- _____Downhaul/cunningham
QUESTION 5: Match the following definitions with one
of the tern listed. There is only one definition for each term.
- The right side of the boat when facing
the bow
- The side of the boat Furthest from the
- The left side of the boat when facing
the bow
- Side of the boat closest to the wind
- In front of the boat
- On a line of sight at right angles (90
degrees to the boats keel)
- Behind the boat
- The person steering the boat
- The people who operate the boat
- The person responsible for the safe
operation of the boat
- _____Port
- _____Starboard
- _____Windward
- _____Leeward
- _____Helmsman
- _____Crew
- _____Skipper
- _____Ahead
- _____Abeam
- _____Astern
QUESTION 6: Operation and Navigation
- To make the boat turn to port, which direction do you
push the tiller? ____________________________________
- Name the 4 Coast Guard required items that must be on a
non-motorized sailboat:
- _____________________________________________
- _____________________________________________
- _____________________________________________
- _____________________________________________
- Which side of the boat should the RED channel marker be
when sailing from a smaller body of water (such as Shelby
Bay) to a larger (such as the South River)?
- What is the rule of thumb when you approach a RED channel
marker when coming from a larger body of water to a
smaller? _____________________________________________
- What is the first thing you should check before tossing
an anchor
QUESTION 7: Match the following definitions with one
of the terms listed. There is only one definition for each term.
- Sheets, halyards /other lines that control sails
- Wires that support the mast
- Turning the boat away from the wind until the
boat changes tacks
- Changing tacks with the wind crossing the bow
- At or towards the stern (on the boat)
- At or towards the bow (on the boat)
- A boats greatest width
- Leaning action of the boat
- _____Tacking
- _____Jibing
- _____Running rigging
- _____Standing rigging
- _____Heel
- _____Beam
- _____Forward
- _____Aft
QUESTION 8: In each pair of sailboats identify which
boat is to windward and which is to leeward.

Left Diagram:
- Windward _________
- Leeward _________
Right Diagram:
- Windward _________
- Leeward _________
QUESTION 9: Match the knots below with their main
- Temporary, non-slipping loop
- A stopper knot for sheets and halyards
- Securing a line
- _____Cleat hitch
- _____Bowline
- _____Figure eight
QUESTION 10: Point of Sail. Match the letter of each
boat with its point of sail.

- Close hauled ______
- Close reach ______
- Beam reach ______
- Broad reach ______
- Running ______
- In Irons ______
QUESTION 11: Match the following definitions with the
appropriate term.. There is only one definition for each term.
- The flapping of the sails
- The wind is coming over the port side of the boat
and the main boom is on starboard
- The wind is coming over the starboard side of the
boat and the main boom is on port
- To turn the sailboat toward the direction of the
- To turn the sailboat away from the direction of
the wind
- The wind is coming over the side the mainsail is
- The boat is pointed toward the wind and is not
- _____Starboard tack
- _____Port tack
- _____Sailing by the lee
- _____In-irons
- _____Luffing
- _____Heading up
- _____Heading down/falling off
QUESTION 12: Right-of-Way. You are in a sailboat under
NOTE: The Rule of Prudent Seamanship Would have
you avoid any collision. However there are International (high
seas and Connecting navigable waters ) and Inland Navigation
Rules which determine who should "stand-on" (keep her
course and speed) and "Give-way" (take early and
substantial action to keep well clear).
Situation (You are sailing):
- You are approaching a sailboat on the same tack
as you and you are the leeward boat
- You are approaching a sailboat, you are on a port
tack and the other boat is on a starboard tack
- You are being overtaken by a sailboat from behind
- You are overtaking a powerboat from behind
- You are approaching a fishing boat which is
slowly trolling
- You are approaching a 12 trillion ton freighter
What Do YOU do:
- [_] Stand-On [_] Give Way
- [_] Stand-On [_] Give Way
- [_] Stand-On [_] Give Way
- [_] Stand-On [_] Give Way
- [_] Stand-On [_] Give Way
- [_] Stand-On [_] Give Way