Basic Sailing Examination
QUESTION 1: Identify the following parts of a sailboat on the diagram:
QUESTION 2: Identify the following sails and parts of a sail below:
QUESTION 3: Match the following items found on a sailboat with one of the functions listed below.
QUESTION 4: Match the following items found on a sailboat with one the functions listed below.
QUESTION 5: Match the following definitions with one of the tern listed. There is only one definition for each term.
QUESTION 6: Operation and Navigation
QUESTION 7: Match the following definitions with one of the terms listed. There is only one definition for each term.
QUESTION 8: In each pair of sailboats identify which boat is to windward and which is to leeward.
QUESTION 9: Match the knots below with their main functions.
QUESTION 10: Point of Sail. Match the letter of each boat with its point of sail.
QUESTION 11: Match the following definitions with the appropriate term.. There is only one definition for each term.
QUESTION 12: Right-of-Way. You are in a sailboat under sail:
NOTE: The Rule of Prudent Seamanship Would have you avoid any collision. However there are International (high seas and Connecting navigable waters ) and Inland Navigation Rules which determine who should "stand-on" (keep her course and speed) and "Give-way" (take early and substantial action to keep well clear).