
Want to join the club or renew your membership?
Membership: Emily Beckman

Want to give a talk or be a featured photographer?
Meeting Organizer: Seth Gaines

Have a great idea for a field trip?
Field Trip Coordinator: Brent Warner (email any Club Officer)

Forgot the Flickr password?
Flickr Instructions: Scott Hull

Want to suggest (or teach!) a course on photography?
Education coordinator: Bill Dusterwald (email any Club Officer)

Have a question about the Building 1 exhibit?
Exhibit coordinator: Wayne Robinson

Want to add an announcement to the Website?
Webmaster: Karen Smale


We are starting to expand our Club's committees. We are looking for Club Member volunteers to help out on these committees. The more volunteers we have the less work for any one person, and the more opportunities available to Club members. So many opportunities are coming our way and the Club board members cannot handle it all. That means we miss those opportunitities... to learn, to exhibit, and to participate in photo events.

  • Exhibits
    Organize the Showcase, Building 1 Cafeteria exhibit, and coordinate external opportunitites like Riversdale, Greenbelt Arts Center, etc.
    Wayne Robinson (lead)
  • Education
    Coordinate the learning opportunities for the club: workshops, classes, bringing in speakers. Share the external educational events that may be happening in our region.
    Bill Dusterwald (lead)
  • MPA
    Attend MPA meetings and distribute MPA information/opportuntites to the Club members.
    Scott Hull (lead)
  • Field Trips
    Coordinate and/or organize field trips and recruit others to lead them. Get the word out about the field trips. Help field trip leaders with logistics planning.
    Brent Warner (lead)
  • Outreach
    Get the word out about the Club. Post regular Dateline messages and coordinate flyer distribution/mounting ahead of events. Respond to requests for photo support (green screen, other GEWA clubs, etc.)
    Need volunteers!