About Us
NGAPS+ was founded as a community for post-docs, contractors, and early career civil servants. The goals were to facilitate meeting one another and become better acclimated to life at Goddard. NGAPS+ is run by volunteers across several divisions and labs at Goddard. If you are interested in becoming a committee member, or if you would just like to volunteer at one of our events, please contact one of the officers below.
Contact Us
- Mailing List: Enter your email address on this site to join our mailing list. You must be on the internal NASA network (VPN) to access this site. If you can not access the VPN then please send a message to gsfc-ngaps-admin@lists.nasa.gov with a note of which email address you would like to be added (it does not have to be a nasa.gov email address).
- Events: Do you have a question about an upcoming NGAPS event? Or do you have an event you would like to advertise to the group? Then please e-mail one of the "social" officers below.
- Website Help: If you find an error or have a suggestion for the NGAPS website then please submit it here.
- Other Questions or Concerns: If you have any concerns or questions about GSFC in general or NGAPS then please let us know by using this form.