NASA Goddard Association of Postdoctoral and Early Career Scientists

Welcome to NGAPS+!

A place for early career scientists at NASA Goddard to network and help each other out.

Code of Conduct

We expect all NGAPS+ members to abide by our code of conduct. This code was created to promote and ensure a safe and respectful environment for all NGAPS+ members and associates, regardless of work affiliation (civil servants, contractors, university co-op scientists, NASA Postdoctoral Program fellows, interns, etc.) to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), job title, or field.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments you would like NGAPS+ co-officers to know about (either anonymously or not), please let us know by using this form or by emailing the NGAPS+ officers at

Follow us on Social Media

We have a Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter that we occasionally post news and updates on.

The NGAPS mailing list is the best way to stay up-to-day on all NGAPS+ happenings. To join, please enter your email address on this site. You must be on the internal NASA network (VPN) to access this site. If you can not access the VPN then please send a message to with a note of which email address you would like to be added (it does not have to be a email address).

Upcoming NGAPS+ Events

Learn more by visiting the events page.

Do you know about an upcoming event that other NGAPS+ members might be interested in? Let us know.