Photo Club Presentations
- Photo 102: Basic Post-Processing (2022; Scott Hull)
- Session 1: Slides (pptx) and Teams video
- Session 2: Teams video
- Session 3: Teams video
- Post-Processing to improve your photos - in Photoshop & Lightroom (2020)
- Full session (Krisitin Rutkowski & Karen Smale):
- Intro to Digital Photography (2020)
- Session 1: Composition (Nancy Rosenbaum Slides (pdf))
- Session 2: Exposure (Scott Hull, Slides (pdf))
- Session 2: Camera Mechanics (Scott Hull, Slides (pdf))
- Headshots Workshop (2020)
- Full Session (Kristin Rutkowski Slides (pdf))
- Photoshop Layers (2018)
- Handout (Nancy Rosenbaum & Karen Smale, Slides (pptx))
- Handout - session 3 (Nancy Rosenbaum & Karen Smale, Slides (pptx))
- Flickr album with sample images
- Intro to Lighting and Portraiture (2016)
- Session 1: Lighting Presentation (Bill Dusterwald, Slides (ppt))
- Session 2: Portraiture Photography (Bill Dusterwald, Slides (ppt))
- List of all courses (including previous versions of the same course)
Meeting Presentations
- What it's like to be a Smithsonian Photographer (PPTX) (Lucia Martino), May 8, 2024)
- Food Photography (PDF) (Steve Buchanan), Apr 10, 2024)
- Make Art, Not War (PPTX) (Alisa Jane, Mar 13, 2024)
- Photographing the 2024 Eclipse (PDF) (Scott Hull, Feb 14, 2024)
- Lessons Learned from the Headshot Workshops (PPTX) (Emily Beckman, et al., Jan 10, 2024)
- Post Processing for Dust/Object Removal (PPTX) (Nancy Rosenbaum, Sep 13, 2023)
- Flip the Composition (PPTX) (Bill Dusterwald, Aug 9, 2023)
- "Her Helm" Photo Project (PDF) (Kristin Rutkowski, July 12, 2023)
- Photomerge for PSE (PPTX) (Scott Hull, May 10, 2023)
- Solargraphs (Teams recording, internal only) (Geneviève de Messieres, April 12, 2023)
- Light Painting (PPTX) (Karen Smale, March 8, 2023)
- Inexpensive Underwater Photography (Scott Hull, February 8, 2023)
Presentation Video (internal link) - Who's Using Your Images Online? (Find Stolen Images) (PPTX) (Karen Smale, January 11, 2023)
- Edit Your Images (PPTX) (Karen Smale & Scott Hull, October 12, 2022)
- How to be Seen (PDF) (Vince Ferrari, September 14, 2022)
- Night Sky Photography (recording, internal only) (Robert Fawcett, August 10, 2022)
- Photo Critique (video; internal link) (Pete Morton, June 8, 2022)
- Event Photography (video; internal link) (Erika Nizborski, Apr 13, 2022)
- Zoo Photography Tips (PDF) (Julie Gould, Feb 9, 2022)
Presentation Video (internal link) - Flip the Photo (PDF) (Bill Dusterwald, Jan 12, 2022)
- How to Choose a New Camera (PPTX) (Keith Chamberlin, Oct 13, 2021)
- Macro Photography Methods (PDF) (Scott Hull, Sept 8, 2021)
- Common edits in Lightroom (PPTX) (Nancy Rosenbaum, Augst 11, 2021)
- Posing Help for Portrait Photographers (PDF) (Kristin Rutkowski, May 12, 2021)
- Monitor Calibration Best Practices for Photographers (PDF) (Ken Fleisher, Apr 14, 2021)
- Time-lapse Photography (PPTX) (Karen Smale, Mar 10, 2021)
- Stefan’s Adventures in Photography and Film Making (PPTX) (Stefan Immler, Feb 10, 2021)
- Basic Astrophotography (PPT) (Scott Hull, Jan 13, 2021)
- A still photographer steps into video: Slide shows and virtual choirs (PPTX) (David Friedlander, Dec 9, 2020)
- Annual meeting presentation (PPTX) (Kristin Rutkowski, Oct 14, 2020)
- Putting Your Best Virtual Foot Forward (PDF) (Scott Hull, Aug 12, 2020)
- Flickr instructions (PDF) (Kristin Rutkowski, July 8, 2020)
- Firefly Photography (PPTX) (Geneviève de Messeieres, May 13, 2020)
- Photographing Birds (PPTX) (Kimberly Engle, Apr 8, 2020)
- Birds In Flight (PPTX) (Eliot Malumuth, Apr 8, 2020)
- Aviation Photography (PPTX) (Peter Knudtson, Feb 12, 2020)
- Photo Collages (PPTX) (Raghu Tumkur & Karen Smale, Jan 8, 2020)
- Intro to Flickr (PPTX) (Dave Schaible, Oct 10, 2019)
- Annual meeting presentation (PPTX) (Nancy Rosenbaum, Oct 10, 2019)
- Compose and Crop (PPTX) (Bill Dusterwald - Aug 14, 2019)
- What Makes a Good Competition Photo (PPTX) (Roz Kleffman - June 12, 2019)
- Minimalism (PPTX) (Andrew Wohl - Apr 10, 2019)
- Light Sculpting (PPT) (Bill Dusterwald - Feb 13, 2019)
- Focusing Lessons (PPTX) (Scott Hull - Oct 10, 2018)
- Framing graphics and photographs (PPT) (Larry Gilbert - Sept 12, 2018)
- Video Montage (PPTX) (James Mason - July 11, 2018)
- Flash Photography (PPT) (Bill Dusterwald - June 13, 2018)
- How to Calibrate Your Camera (Color Checker) (PPT) (Bill Dusterwald - April 11, 2018)
- Nighttime Photography (PPTX) (Karen Smale - March 14, 2018)
- How to Build a Montage (PDF) (Scott Hull - February 14, 2018)
- A Brief Look at PS Elements and High Dynamic Range (HDR) (PPTX) (Martin Perrine - January 10, 2018)
- Hiking with camera gear (PPTX) (Kimberly Engle - Sept 13, 2017)
- Photographing the 2017 American Eclipse (PDF) (Joe Novotka - July 12, 2017)
- Infrared Photography (PPTX) (Keith Chamberlin - June 14, 2017)
- Photomerge and Focus Stacking (PPTX) (Joseph Gruber - Apr 12, 2017)
- Drones and Drone Photography (PPTX) and video (mp4) (Tom Manson - Feb 8, 2017)
- Electronic Viewfinders and Touchscreens (PPTX) (Scott Hull - Jan 11, 2017)
- Layers (PPTX) (Nancy Rosenbaum - Dec 14, 2016)
- Cropping (PPTX) (Andy Wohl - Nov 9, 2016)
- Personal Digital Archiving (PDF) (Nancy Rosenbaum - Aug 10, 2016)
- Architecture (PPTX) (Tom Manson - May 11, 2016) (WARNING: 600 MB)
- Scanning (PPTX) (Bill Dusterwald - Mar 9, 2016)
- Styles of Portrait Photography (PPTX) (Nancy Rosenbaum & Bill Dusterwald - Jan 13, 2016)
- Entering Photography Exhibitions (PPTX) (Andy Wohl - Dec 9, 2015)
- Planning for Photo Events (the Photographer's Ephermis & other tools) (PDF) (Tyler Evans - Nov 4, 2015)
- Astrophotography with a DSLR (PDF) (Kevin Hartnett - June 10, 2015)
- ICC Color Profiles (Bob Peters - Apr 8, 2015)
- Intentional Camera Movement & Light Painting (Karen Smale - Feb 11, 2015)
- 365 Project (Karen Smale - Dec 10, 2014)
- Making Photo Orbs (Nancy Rosenbaum - Nov 12, 2014)
- Extreme Shutter Speeds (Tyler Evans - Aug 13, 2014)
- Portrait Photography (Melissa Meyers - June 11, 2014)
- Topaz Simplify Plug-in (Bill Dusterwald - Apr 9, 2014)
- Photographing Ice Hockey (Cindy Brumfield - March 12, 2014)
- A Photographer's Guide to Blossoms and Blooms (Dorlisa Hommel - Feb 12, 2014)
- Old Photo Restoration (Nancy Rosenbaum & Karen Smale - Jan 8, 2014)
- Depth of Field (Nancy Rosenbaum - Nov 6, 2014)
- Removing unwanted objects (LDCM group photo) (Bill Dusterwald - Aug 14, 2013)
- Portrait Photo Retouching (Karen Smale - Aug 14, 2013)
(References: Portrait Professional s/w website and Webinar of Photoshop portrait enhancements) - Photographing Fireworks (Scott Hull - via email May 23, 2013)
- Creating Photo Slideshows (Tyler Evans - May 8, 2013)
- Club Printer & Scanner (Bob Peters - January 9, 2013)
- HDR (Bill Dusterwald & Bob Haines - November 14, 2012)
- Flickr (Sydney Cain & Scott Hull - October 10, 2012)
- There's an app for that! Smartphones for photographers (Nancy Rosenbaum - Aug 8, 2012)
Add your favorite smartphone apps to this app spreadsheet and send it back to Nancy - RAW vs. JPEG (Robert Peters and Scott Hull - July 11, 2012)
- Aerial Photography (Scott Hull - May 9, 2012)
- Underwater Photography (Mike Weiss - May 2011)
- Pinhole Phototraphy (Scott Hull - April 20, 2011)